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How to Boost the Immune System to Fight Cancer?


The primary key to fighting cancer is increasing the immune system so that the immune system is strong enough to control or kill cancer cells in the body.


3 ways to boost the immune system rapidly to fight cancer:

  1. Inject Vitamin D into your body; vitamin d is essential for increasing the immune system. The usual range of vitamin d is measured as nanograms per milliliter. For people who are not having cancer, the level of vitamin d needed is 40ng/ml. However, patients having cancer must have a level of vitamin d at 70mg/ml. According to the research before the COVID-19 pandemic, high vitamin d is needed to prevent virus infection, serious illness, and death. Either virus or cancer, vitamin d can help reduce the severity of the disease. For some elderly who have never stayed under the sun, the level of vitamin d is very low. Consuming vitamin d by mouth will increase vitamin d levels in months; by injecting vitamin d, the level is increased within 5 days.

2. Inject concentrated vitamin C into the body; the white blood cells get vitamin c and change it to be antioxidants. Vitamin c will decrease body waste and free radicals. It strengthens the white blood cells so they can kill germs and handle diseases. Select the right vitamin c that is without preservatives for intravenous injection. Consult with the expert or doctor for a good recommendation.

3. Increase NK cells; NK cell is a type of white blood cell or natural killer. They are quick responses, non-specific, and protect against diseases. They kill all virus species and cancer cells. They are like soldiers who kill enemies of the body.

In investigating cancer patients, some hospitals check NK cell activity. Weak NK cells increase the risk of having cancer so strengthening NK cells is vital. New NK cells will stimulate old NK cells to be more active. Doctors treat cancer patients with NK cell therapy every 2 weeks continuously for at least 3 months to increase NK cells in order to fight cancer cells.

Credit: Dr. Auttasit Saksuthaporn – M.D. Specialist in Nutrients for Advanced Health Care ​

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