Pollitab – Brand “Pollitin”


Pollitab™ is an energy supplement, to aid in new cell growth, increase capacity, strength, stamina, and the body’s efficiency in the absorption of nutrients. Taken regularly to help improve daily performance through increase nutrient assimilation and better transportation of red blood cells and oxygen within the body. Rehabilitate the body after giving anti-cancer drugs or radiation therapy.



  • Thailand 2-5 days.
  • Worldwide 5-15 days.
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Each Tablet Contains :

  • Flower Pollen Extract (G60) 50 mg.
  • Flower Pollen Extract (GFX) 1 mg.
  • Vitamin C 13.50 mg.
  • Vitamin B3 3.00 mg.
  • Vitamin B6 0.30 mg.
  • Vitamin B1 0.30 mg.

Pollen Extract G60 contains the isolated water-soluble fraction of the pollen grain. Each batch of G60® is standardized to NLT 6% amino acids. 

Vitamin C is necessary for the growth, development, and repair of all body tissues. It’s a highly effective antioxidant that helps to build collagen which is important in the process of building and repairing vascular wall tissue, bone, gums, and teeth. Increase iron absorption. Help the resistance to the production of Nitrosamine which can cause cancer.

Vitamin B6 is an essential vitamin that helps the formation of amino acids and is important in the building of different types of proteins. Working together with folic acid; lower homocysteine levels which is another important factor that leads to cardiovascular problems. Increase the strength of the body’s muscles, allowing the body to absorb protein and fat better.

Vitamin B3 is a water-soluble vitamin, is an important vitamin for the brain and nervous system. Reduce water loss thus helping to make the skin more flexible and the blood flows better. Stimulating the work of the nervous system, enable good memory, reduce stress, and sleep easier. Reduces muscle pain and muscle weakness.

Vitamin B1 is a vitamin that the body cannot create or synthesize on its own. It turns food into energy, and accelerates the reaction in the metabolism of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. Nourishes the nervous system, eye & brain function, and heart muscle.

 Pollitab is recommended for :

Heavy exercisers, athletes
Brain and spinal cord
Brain nourishment, improve memory

Bones strengthening – good for osteoporosis
The risk of bone cancer
The risk of coronary artery disease
The risk of high cholesterol
Nourishment for children and the elderly
Eye problems
Numbness of the hands and feet
The rehabilitation of the body after giving anti-cancer drugs or radiation therapy

FDA Serial number: 10-1-10651-1-0001

How to take Pollitab:

Take 1 – 2 tablets daily, 10 -15 minutes before meals or on an empty stomach, followed by a glass of drinking water, not cold.


Read the warning label before consuming. Not recommended for children and pregnant women. Eat all 5 food groups in the right proportions.

Store in a cool and dry place, below 25C°. Protect from light and moisture. The product should be kept out of children’s reach. Do not use it if the package is opened or damaged.


Dietary supplement, not medicine. It is a nutrient extracted from rye pollen. which contains a large number of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the body. The body can absorb these nutrients to repair the worn parts. and restore various organs immediately. According to the research by Graminex USA, more than 90% of the nutrients can be absorbed by the body, ensuring that consumers will fully benefit from those nutrients to fight against various diseases effectively.


Patients can take Pollitin dietary supplements along with modern medicines as prescribed by the doctor. If unsure, consult your doctor before eating.


Additional information

Weight 100 g




Package Quantity

50 Tablets


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